Sunday, October 26, 2014


It's a beautiful sunny day where I live.  The wind is blowing softly and making the trees ripple, with it's gentle nudge.  I find that even though things are good in this aspect, I still have many things wrong.  Life takes it's toll on happiness, with the daily influences of negative attitudes.  I often find myself alone with people around me.  It's not funny to want to love and be loved, yet having to  hold back because of crap that's been thrown my way.  Eating crow, isn't in my idea's of being happy.  Why do they expect you to live like this when, happiness could be so much sweeter, if they'd try as hard to be happy as they do to be mean?  I just can't accept people enjoying being miserable, only to make others miserable along with them?

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Is It?

It comes to the time when you know the other person is never going to change.  You seek some sort of peace in knowing that things aren't as bad as the relationships, you've had before.  Yet, you know this person is dragging you down and keeping you there.  You ask yourself how, this could be happening, when you are so damned strong?  You know that you can make it on your own, without this person, yet here you are.  Caught up in a relationship and not wanting to be alone. Sometimes, things are good, but most of the time, it's just a hell here on earth being with this person.  
The good in this person, does not out weigh the bad.......yet, they don't hit on me, run around on what am I to do?